Nightmare Fuel: Guy Shits Himself On A Roller Coaster And It Ends Up Flying Down To Unsuspecting Humans Below

This is one of the more unbelievable clips I've ever seen. I watched it back like 10 times to try and understand and process and simply couldn't. Imagine looking up and it's raining doodoo? A dookie shower? And how do feces fly? Between this and the plane that had to get diverted due to diarrhea incident, people have me wanting to stay inside for eternity.

You can tell the guys have absolutely no idea what just landed on them either. Just some unsuspecting patrons enjoying a nice day at the amusement park with their families, and all of a sudden they've got flying excreted particles coming at them. They say don't stand too close to the splash zone, but if I ever find myself at the amusement park I'm never going anywhere NEAR underneath a ride. 

And what happens after he gets off the ride? Are all the people below just waiting for him at the gate ready to throw hands? That might be your only option. If I know anything about the Internet, it's that we'll get a conclusion to this story and someone filmed the aftermath of this shit. There's no way this is the only video we'll ever see from this, and if it is, then maybe we're all better for it. 

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